“Aniseed, elegant, and classic”
Kawar Arak 53% Premium is characterized by rich aromas, a velvety presence and a delightful texture. Its refined quality is preserved despite the high alcohol content, all due to the meticulous distillation process and impressive balance of flavors. If you haven’t tried it yet with ice and water alongside the local cuisine, this is the time to do it.
Gold medal at the IWSC International Wine and Spirit Competition 2011
KAWAR ARAK 53% PREMIUM以其豐富的香氣和絲滑的質地而聞名。儘管酒精含量較高,但其精緻的品質得以保持,這要歸功於繁複而悉心的蒸餾過程。如果您還沒有嘗試過,搭配當地美食,現在是個絕佳的時機。